Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You don't need a huge family to have huge love


The video blog seen above talks about wanting children in the future or not. That's exactly what this blog will be about as well!

My mind may have changed since that video,but these are my thoughts on the subject as of today.

I have thought long and hard about this,and Brent and I have also sat down and talked about it together. We both agree that we are just fine with the daughter we had,and the son we have now. We don't need many kids to be happy. We also both agree that having just Seth to pay attention to would be easier for us. Plus the way I am emotionally and physically,it will always be much easier for me to focus on one child. Seth will be able to learn things much better and faster because all my attention will be on him at all times,and I won't have another child to focus on and teach things to and all that. Plus I will only have one child to run after and pick up and hold,and physically it will be better to have the one child to run after and all that. Also,it's much cheaper to care for one child than multiple!

It would also probably be very foolish of me to even think about being pregnant again. I have been pregnant twice already. I can guarantee you that is why I am so bad off now physically than I was before I ever had kids. Being pregnant has taken a toll on my body severely,and permanently. I would also find it impossible to take care of Seth at all when I got bigger if I were pregnant. I would be on constant bed rest by 5 or 6 months,and that would be completely unfair to Seth.

So in conclusion,Thursday I am going to my ob/gyn to talk about either getting my tubes tied or maybe putting an IUD in. Condoms just make sex more complicated for us for many reasons,and I have tried many different pills and every single one of them has affected me negatively. So I need to find a different means of birth control.


  1. I think I'm allergic to condoms. LOL. Seriously. And I have bad bad experiences with pills too. They give me severe migraines... I tried different brands, and such...

  2. I am allergic to latex,so most condoms I really am allergic to. They have non latex condoms,but they are thicker,so it's even harder for the guy to even feel anything! Not fair!

    It seems like every pill I try gives me a different issue.

  3. Mirena is a good one I've heard, for women who have had kids already and dont want to go through the surgery.

    I fully support you!

  4. Thank you Kayla. I see my doctor tomorrow,so I will let you know what we come up with!
