Thursday, September 2, 2010

This body will no longer make babies

I did a video blog today. I thought I would talk a little about it in text form as well.

This morning,I went to my ob/gyn. After thinking long and hard about it and talking it through with Brent,we have decided that that best thing for me is to get my tubes tied. After talking with my doctor as well,he with no hesitation agreed that it was the best decision to make. He said himself that this was a smart idea.

Is this what I want? Yes,of course. I would never want to  put myself at any risk. I know the chance of me getting pregnant again would be a huge risk to take. It would actually be foolish of me not to do this. I have gone through two whole pregnancies. I am quite positive that this is why I am so bad off now physically. My body was not this terrible before I was ever pregnant. I do not want to risk worsening my condition,possibly even being wheelchair bound. I also have a son to look after now. Being pregnant would not allow me to care for Seth the way he needs to be cared for. As I got bigger in a pregnancy,I would be on full bed rest,barely being able to sit up to go to the bathroom. There's no possible way I would be able to be int hat condition while having a 1 year old boy to care for.

What if you want more kids in the future? I already have an amazing son,why do I need more? This country is obsessed with more more more,that's why the poverty levels are so high,and the obesity rates are through the roof. One is perfectly fine for us. Brent and I both agree that having one child will be much better for us in many different ways than having two or 3 or 10! Seth does not NEED a brother or sister to play with. I was told this yesterday by someone,that he NEEDS a sibling. He has friends he can play with,he has uncles,and cousins,and family members of all ages he can play with. He will do just fine being an only child. Plus,this will give me more time to focus on just him to teach him things,take him places,and help him with whatever he may need. Plus it's always cheaper to go with one than more.

Why not have Brent get a vasectomy? If he were to come out and say he wanted it done,that would be a different story. He didn't though. It is not my place to go out and ask him to go and get a life changing surgery just because I didn't feel like it. This was MY idea though. I WANT this done. I can't live with the fear of possibly getting pregnant again. I really don't know how I would live through another pregnancy.

I am so tired today,so my video blog is kind of all over the place,and I left out alot of things,but I got the point across. If you have any other questions for me about this topic,please ask!

The surgery is October 4. It is an outpatient surgery. With a pretty quick recovery rate. He said since I have had multiple operations in that area,he may need to make a bigger incision. If that were to happen,then I would have to stay in the hospital overnight for a while. He said that is very rare though.

This surgery is going to be a breeze compared to any other surgery I've had before. Hell,I took care of Seth right after having a Csection. Everyone was shocked at how well off I was so quickly. I am a tough little thing,I really don't see this surgery being a big deal at all.

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